NBA Teams: Baltimore Bullets (1st) Records Year by Year

Information about the Baltimore Bullets (1st), including yearly records in the regular season and the playoffs.

NOTE: This is a defunct franchise.

Baltimore Bullets (1st) Basic Data:

NBA Championships: Championships 1

All-Time NBA Record:
Regular Season:
161-303 (.347)

Playoffs: 9-7 (.563)

Team NBA History:

1948 - 1955 NBA Baltimore Bullets (1st)

* After playing 14 games in the 1955 season, the Baltimore Bullets folded (Nov. 27, 1954). Officially, those games are not included in their rivals' records and stats.

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Baltimore Bullets (1st) Records Year by Year:

NBA   Regular Season Playoffs
Season Team
W - L
W - L
% Performance
1954-55 Bullets (1st) 3-11 .214 5th, Eastern Division - - DNQ
1953-54 Bullets (1st) 16-56 .222 5th, Eastern Division - - DNQ
1952-53 Bullets (1st) 16-54 .229 4th, Eastern Division 0-2 .000 Lost East Div Semis
1951-52 Bullets (1st) 20-46 .303 5th, Eastern Division - - DNQ
1950-51 Bullets (1st) 24-42 .364 5th, Eastern Division - - DNQ
1949-50 Bullets (1st) 25-43 .368 5th, Eastern Division - - DNQ
1948-49 Bullets (1st) 29-31 .483 3rd, Eastern Division 1-2 .333 Lost East Div Semis
1947-48 Bullets (1st) 28-20 .583 2nd, Western Division 8-3 .727 NBA Champions 1948 NBA Champions